About Us

IMDEA Food belongs to Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies Net promoted by the Madrid regional government (Comunidad de Madrid) to develop research of international excellence in certain strategic areas of knowledge.
With IMDEA the Government of the Comunidad de Madrid seeks to respond to its commitment to place science and technology at the service of its citizens. Led by the Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte and with the support of the Consejería de Economía y Hacienda, it is a project of the entire Government of the Comunidad de Madrid.


The overall aim of IMDEA Food is to undertake world class research into food, nutrition and health, and to identify nutritional strategies of economic and social value.

Organization and management

The organizational and functional structure of the IMDEA Food Institute is summarized in the diagram below with indication of its main bodies and Groups.

Scientific infraestructures

IMDEA Food headquarters are located in the old Main Building of the Cantoblanco Hospital since beginning of 2014.